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Here you will find extensive knowledge and tips on your skin type. 
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Hautwissen iloveella skincare
empfindliche Haut

Also called sensible skin

Sensitive skin is often referred to as sensitive skin. It is just not really your own skin type. 

In this article we explain the causes, what really helps with sensitive skin and which are the right care products.

ölige Haut

In technical language:
Seborrhoea oleosa 

Oily skin - also called greasy skin

is one of the classic skin types and therefore quite common.

Here you will find out what the characteristics of this skin type are, what causes oily skin and how you can keep your oily skin in balance.

trockene Haut

Dryness, tightness and itching of the skin

Dry skin is very common. Typical signs of this skin type are dryness, tightness and itching of the skin. The causes of dry skin are internal and external influences.


Here is what exactly they are, what the characteristics of this skin type are, and how to get rid of dry, flaky skin.

unreine Haut

Does not just affect teenagers or young adults

Impure skin is also affecting more and more older people. Many more people suffer from skin blemishes, especially when wearing a mask.


Here you can find out what the right treatment for pimples and co is. We also explain the various causes and show what really helps against impure skin.

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